During this unprecedented time of global pandemic from COVID-19, Van Beek & Co. is following the guidelines of the CDC, and Governor Kate Brown’s recommendations of social distancing, while continuing our diligent work towards completing your tax return(s) in a timely fashion. If you have any questions about when to expect your return(s), please contact us (email is our preferred method of communication).
Van Beek & Co. has implemented the following changes to comply with CDC and Oregon’s guidelines for COVID-19:
Ø Our lobby is closed to visitors.
Ø If possible, please submit your documents electronically via portal or TaxCaddy .
Ø We are delivering all completed tax returns electronically by default. We have the options of delivering them to you via portal, TaxCaddy, or encrypted library.
The IRS and Oregon have changed the tax deadline to July 15, 2020. What does this mean for you? This effectively changes the filing deadline and payments due to July 15, 2020.
If you have already submitted documents to us to prepare your return, please rest assured that we are working hard to get your return filed as soon as possible. We encourage you to submit your documents for your return to be prepared as soon as possible. Many are receiving a refund, and there is no reason to wait. We will try to get as many returns as possible filed in April. Please email us if you have any questions.
As always, thank you for your continued business. We send our sincere well wishes to you and yours during this difficult time.
Van Beek & Co. Team